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Subtitles and forced subtitles

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:46 pm
by barrygordon
I have several questions on forced subtitles and subtitles in general in various scenarios.

I have ripped all my DVD's and BR disk to ISO folders (Blurays have BDMV folder BDMV\Strean etc., DVD's have a folder with Video_TS .ifo, .bup and all the .vob files.) I have no issue having MKV re-process them to get pure mkv files. The original rips included english subtitles, the main movie file and one of the Audio files (highest quality)

When I run MakeMKV what is the proper choice for subtitles. I do not want them except for those cases (such as in Avatar) where the english subtitling is forced due to foreign dialog during the english audio track. What do I need to select when ripping with MakeMKV to get this as the reult. Do I rip the first english subtitle, multiple english subtitles as present in some DVD's, or no subtitles at all?

TIA, Barry

Re: Subtitles and forced subtitles

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:31 pm
by kfreeb
For the Blu-ray Disks that you would like only the forced subtitles, be sure to only check the export forced subtitles boxes in the subtitle folders you select within the movie folder your selecting.

I use the english subtitles so all but english subs are unchecked. Also, beginning with each subtitle entry, there is the main subtitle and then there is the (forced only subtitle) which is inside to the main subtitle. Uncheck the main subtitle, but leave the (forced only) subtile checked for the language you will be wanting to export.

Also, if a BD has more than one subtile track for a particular language, (that you're exporting) I export all "forced subtitles" for those tracks and then look at them in a program like BDSup2Sub 4.0.0, ( ... 22691.html )to view and convert them to VOB formatted subtitles, (where I can determine which track is the correct forced subtitle to use.)

I use MKV Tools 2.4.4, (not to be confused with MKV Toolnix) which allows you to extract from the MKV file, a sup subtitle file, which is then brought into BDSup2Sub 4.0.0 for viewing and converting to vob format, which handbreak can then recognize and burn into the movie during encode.

MKV Tools can be downloaded from here: Be sure to look down the page for the link, it's not the one at the top, but down the page under the heading Current Version.

Re: Subtitles and forced subtitles

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:48 pm
by barrygordon
Thanks for the reply. That helps. I would have liked to use MKVtools, but from what I see there is onkly a MAC version, and I do my work on a PC based system.

Re: Subtitles and forced subtitles

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:56 pm
by skittle
Hi, you can use mkvextract (part of official MKVtoolnix) to extract the sup file. Free open source, and cross platform. I believe there is also a gui for windows.

*no need to use the payware crap from above... which has stolen its code from ffmpeg and mkvtoolnix*