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Converting subtitle(s) but nothing displayed

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:31 am
by ikiss68
When I converted a film more (2-3) subtitles and audio, the the program 'Air Video' displays audio languages correctly BUT none of the subtitles. Why?
I have some mkv movies which converted with "Handbrake" and they displayed correctly (audio and subtitles too)


Re: Converting subtitle(s) but nothing displayed

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:38 am
by skittle
Are these blurays? If so then its very likely that the software doesnt support bluray subtitles...

Re: Converting subtitle(s) but nothing displayed

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:50 am
by ikiss68
Ok my method is the following:

1. I convert pure DVD (not blue ray) disk to mkv with makemkv (
2. My home media player displays correctly subtitles (if have multiply, i can choose one of them)
3. If I try to watch the same mkv movie via internet (via air video softver) just audio languages can selected, subtitles dont. WHY?

BUT: I have some mkv files, which i downloaded from internet, so I didnt converted at home, and they are played via air video correctly (audio, and subtiltes can selected and subtitle is displayed) I tryed other converter programs to convert dvd to mkv with multiply subtitles but it can selected only one at one (mkvconver very fast and I can select multiply subtiltes) Becouse my home media player plays correctly my converted films, so i think that "Air Video" or makedvd softver has some problems with it. Just i dont know what it is.

Regards Zoli

Re: Converting subtitle(s) but nothing displayed

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:58 pm
by setarip_old

Check out the following link regarding setting you "Air Video" preferences: ... air-video/

It may provide some insight...

Re: Converting subtitle(s) but nothing displayed

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:06 pm
by ikiss68
Thankx u but i already know this. :)