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SUPfoe (forced only extractor) - An Application to Extract "Forced" Subtitles from .SUP files

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 3:41 am
by MartyMcNuts
Hi folks,

I have created a small application that allows you to extract the "FORCED" subtitles from the .sup subtitle files that you have extracted from your BD/UHD discs. I tested it out on a few of my own .sup files that I extracted from some BD/UHD discs.

This works on windows only and .net framework 4.5 or higher is required (so Win10 users should be fine).

It is a "1-click" application and is simple to use. Just run the exe, click the "OPEN" button and select a .sup subtitle file. That's it! The 'Info' window will let you know how many subtitles are in the file and how many are flagged as 'forced' (if any). At the same time, if there are any 'forced' subtitles, the application will extract them to a file in the same directory as the source file.

I thought this might be helpful for someone, so please, give it a try and let me know if you run in to any issues...

30.11.2019 - Fix: Files that only contain forced subtitles to begin with were not copied correctly. Updated file attached.
24.01.2020 - Update: You can now 'drag and drop' your .sup source file onto the textbox.
(54.24 KiB) Downloaded 1370 times

Zip File:
CRC-32 = 249FC7C7
MD-5 = E9C1E2BFCF1349F211C60A437D90F3FB

CRC-32 = C65350AB
SHA-1 = 16AFCBD48976B4926032D9C16BFFF14B0D7A977F
MD-5 = 6DEA72BBBBB35C66E0CD5984CC6DAD75

Oh, I added a donation button to the application just in case anyone is feeling generous!!

Cheers! :D

Re: SUPfoe (forced only extractor) - An Application to Extract "Forced" Subtitles from .SUP files

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:35 am
by Grauhaar
This can also be done with the common Java tool "BD Sup2Sub" and many more things. Under the save option the tools ask for "Save only forced" subtitles.

Re: SUPfoe (forced only extractor) - An Application to Extract "Forced" Subtitles from .SUP files

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:43 am
by MartyMcNuts
Grauhaar wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:35 am
This can also be done with the common Java tool "BD Sup2Sub" and many more things. Under the save option the tools ask for "Save only forced" subtitles.
Yep, I know this (I've been using bdsup2sub++ for years) but there are a lot of people that don't like/want java on their PC. (I also know that there is a C++ implementation of the same program). Anyway, I created this application as I wanted "my own" and just thought I'd share it with others to give them an alternative.


Re: SUPfoe (forced only extractor) - An Application to Extract "Forced" Subtitles from .SUP files

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:39 am
by MartyMcNuts
I found a minor issue and have updated the application.

Fix: Files that only contain forced subtitles to begin with were not copied correctly. Updated file attached in first post.

Re: SUPfoe (forced only extractor) - An Application to Extract "Forced" Subtitles from .SUP files

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 5:12 am
by MartyMcNuts
I have made a small update to the application. You can now 'drag and drop' your .sup source file onto the textbox.

The first post has been updated with the latest zip file and hash checks.

Re: SUPfoe (forced only extractor) - An Application to Extract "Forced" Subtitles from .SUP files

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:55 pm
by Nico83500
Thanks for this small tool ;)
Do you think you could make a CLI version ? Thanks !