White noise
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:51 pm
I rip all my BR to my harddrive with full HD audio. My HTPC currently doesn't have the capacity to bitstream HD audio (I'm waiting to pull the trigger on a ASUS Xonar or newer ATI 5000 series video card). When playing the movie, I can select the DTS_MA stream or standard DTS 5.1. I can play the core audio from the DTS_MA stream just fine until a layer shift in the file, then I get white noise and have to switch back to the standard DTS stream. If I start the movie over and fast forward through the layer shift, the HD core plays fine. If I start the movie in the lower DTS 5.1 if plays fine throughout. I can't test the HD audio stream yet to find out in it's bitstream will have the same problem. I now pretty much start all the movies without the HD stream selected but sure don't want to find out that after a hardware update I'll be in the same boat. Anyone experiencing the same issue?
Anyone bitstreaming the HD audio without problems? What hardware? Thanks.
Anyone bitstreaming the HD audio without problems? What hardware? Thanks.