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Help Request: Forced Subtitles in DVD

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:46 am
by crowfax
I was wondering if anyone could provide me a Linux or Windows based solution.

District 9 (DVD) has a single subtitle track which contains both the regular subtitles along with the alien translations (alien parts are forced in the DVD so when you watch the disc in a player they display regardless of your subtitle choices). Is there a program I can use to edit the subtitle track inside the MKV and delete the regular subtitles and leave only the alien/forced subtitles as their own track?

I've seen people talking about DVDSubEdit but it seems like an unnecessary step to rip the DVD using a different program, fiddle with the subtitles and then run the modified VOB files through MakeMKV.

Any help appreciated!

Re: Help Request: Forced Subtitles in DVD

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 1:37 pm
by Icanseestars
Yes you can do this,

* Download MKVtoolnix and use MKVmerge.
* Drag and drop the file generated from MakeMKV into it.
* De-select any undesired subtitle tracks (untick the boxes).
* Select the forced subtitle track.
* Set both "forced track flag" and "default track flag" to yes

Click start muxing to generate a new MKV file and it will only have the forced subtitles.

The setting forced subtitles bit is optional as the MKV container supports forced tracks, though the problem is not all players support this feature. XBMC does so you can have subtitles globally disabled but the forced subtitles will still display, couldn't say for other players but I know MPC-HC doesn't support this feature.

Re: Help Request: Forced Subtitles in DVD

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:25 pm
by crowfax

Thanks for the reply. Your method caused all of the subtitles in the track to be displayed. I need it to only show the parts of the subtitle track which are forced.