Cannot playback 4KBD

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Cannot playback 4KBD

Post by jaylumx » Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:42 am

I have a LG BU40N drive which I connect to my PC using a USB 3 cable. I purchased MakeMKV a while ago and with MPC-BE was able to playback my 37 4KBD with no issues.

Last week I played John Wick 4KBD but when I tried to play 1917 4KBD yesterday, I kept getting a "Cannot render file" error.

I thought maybe 1917 4KBD is too new so I tried my other 4KBD movies and still got the same result. I cannot for the life of me figure out what has happened.

To eliminate MPC-BE as the culprit I tried VLC player which I had gotten a 4KBD to work on previously and now like MPC-BE will not allow me to play it.

Opening a normal BD in MPC-BE works as intended and the MakeMKV app seems to be able to open the 4KBD.

Any advice that will inspire me to solve this problem will be much appreciated.

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