MakeMKV Protocol

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MakeMKV Protocol

Post by dkkelso » Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:53 pm


I'm looking to streamline my ripping process, and I've about got it where I want it, though no doubt lacking some future issues, but, I cannot seem to handle forced subtitles really well.

Just about every time I ripped any blu ray, I rarely got english sound, so I now rip everything in FLAC and I have no issues. But I cannot seem to find the right thing for subtitles.

This is especially bad in Start Wars, where Jabba, or any alien... so I've taken to now ripping all english subtitles, and the forced one. Then I have to go through each one while viewing a scene, until I get the subtitles there, and only there.

But I still have the others within the file. So, is the best method, to edit the MKV file using a tool, and remove all the others? Or is there a surefire way to ensure I always get exactly the forced subtitles?

The first set I see in the tool in whichever blu ray I'm ripping is rarely the one that is needed, unfortunately. If going through them manually one by one and finding the correct one, and deleting the others out is what has to be done.... anyone got a recommended tool?


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Re: MakeMKV Protocol

Post by Woodstock » Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:39 pm

You are aware that not all alien dialog is translated/subtitled in SW movies, right? It is only when the words are important to the plot that they will be included. In most cases, how the actors react is all that is needed.

There are no subtitles in the SW disks that are flagged as "forced", so the "forced only" tracks that MakeMKV tries to create will always be empty.

IF PRESENT, the subtitle track that contains just the alien dialog varies by movie, usually either track 4 or 7. But some do not have one at all; the alien dialog is part of the video itself, and varies by which play list you select. 00800.mpls will have them in English.

As to your main question, though, my dealings with both audio and subtitle tracks is always to rip all available, then sort out what I want using VLC playback. I can then note which ones are correct for my usage, and save those when I encode the file with handbrake. If you do not want to re-encode, you can use mkvmerge (part of mkvtoolnix, you can find it with google) to copy just what you want to a final MKV file. mkvmerge is MUCH faster than handbrake for this, because it isn't trying to shrink the output at the same time. :)

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Re: MakeMKV Protocol

Post by dkkelso » Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:35 pm

Woodstock wrote:
Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:39 pm
You are aware that not all alien dialog is translated/subtitled in SW movies, right? It is only when the words are important to the plot that they will be included. In most cases, how the actors react is all that is needed.

There are no subtitles in the SW disks that are flagged as "forced", so the "forced only" tracks that MakeMKV tries to create will always be empty.

IF PRESENT, the subtitle track that contains just the alien dialog varies by movie, usually either track 4 or 7. But some do not have one at all; the alien dialog is part of the video itself, and varies by which play list you select. 00800.mpls will have them in English.

As to your main question, though, my dealings with both audio and subtitle tracks is always to rip all available, then sort out what I want using VLC playback. I can then note which ones are correct for my usage, and save those when I encode the file with handbrake. If you do not want to re-encode, you can use mkvmerge (part of mkvtoolnix, you can find it with google) to copy just what you want to a final MKV file. mkvmerge is MUCH faster than handbrake for this, because it isn't trying to shrink the output at the same time. :)
I'm still pretty new at all of this, how do I identify the 00800.mpls playlist? Also, is there any way to rip out just subtitles from the disk, without doing video, or is there a sync thing that needs to take place together? I imagine I'd need another tool to get just subtitles, but if it is faster than waiting 40 minutes per movie I need to re-do, it is worth it.

And thanks, I'll look into mkvtoolnix, and see if I can sort subtitles out. I figured that was the method that would need to be used. I don't use handbrake, although I'm reading about burning in the forced subtitles, and so maybe I need to, as, I doubt I'll ever learn another language.

Looking at my library, I've got to go back and re-do a lot of things...

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Re: MakeMKV Protocol

Post by Woodstock » Sat Aug 08, 2020 6:08 pm

Spend a few minutes reading through this topic:

There are screen shots that basically tell you how to display the "Source file name" of a title.

Disney-released titles have a specific file naming convention for selecting which title you want. It's covered in this topic.

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Re: MakeMKV Protocol

Post by dkkelso » Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:23 pm

Woodstock wrote:
Sat Aug 08, 2020 6:08 pm
Spend a few minutes reading through this topic:

There are screen shots that basically tell you how to display the "Source file name" of a title.

Disney-released titles have a specific file naming convention for selecting which title you want. It's covered in this topic.
Thanks again, so I got output from opening Empire, and I see this:

Code: Select all

File 00850.mpls (angle 1) was added as title #1
File 00850.mpls (angle 2) was added as title #2
File 00850.mpls (angle 3) was added as title #3
File 00850.mpls (angle 4) was added as title #4
File 00850.mpls (angle 5) was added as title #5
File 00850.mpls (angle 6) was added as title #6
File 00850.mpls (angle 7) was added as title #7
File 00850.mpls (angle 8) was added as title #8
File 00850.mpls (angle 9) was added as title #9
Title 00800.mpls is equal to title 00850.mpls and was skipped
So if I take this literally, 800.mpls is the same as 850.mpls, so what I really want, is 850 mpls, and I'll just use title #2, the first of the 8xx series playlists.

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Re: MakeMKV Protocol

Post by Woodstock » Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:41 am

Yes, 850 would be the one in this case.

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