.mkv Remux vs. BluRay Playback

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.mkv Remux vs. BluRay Playback

Post by Drybonz »

I have finally set up a liberated bluray drive (thanks, BillyCar) and have been comparing a couple discs to .mkv remuxes. I understand that the remux is the image of the disc, but I'm noticing that the discs for the same films look slightly better, more crisp when played from the disc in the drive... this is using the same playback software (jriver with madvr). Both look great... no problems... but I was surprised that the discs look better to me. I guess my question is, could there be something happening in the playback that causes this? My goal is, if possible, to get the playback to look exactly as good with the remux as what I am seeing when I play the disc.

If anyone has thoughts or advice, I appreciate it. Thanks.
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Re: .mkv Remux vs. BluRay Playback

Post by Rojma »

It's just your perception. It's literally a bit-by-bit direct copy. There is no difference between what is on disc and the MKV file.
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Re: .mkv Remux vs. BluRay Playback

Post by Drybonz »

Rojma wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:29 am
It's literally a bit-by-bit direct copy. There is no difference between what is on disc and the MKV file.
Right... I admit that in my original post... and I have seen your exact reply many times... however, I'm asking about things like variations in decoding, etc (I don't know what... that's the reason for my question) that might cause my discs to look better than the remux files. My end goal is to improve .mkv playback. If anyone has information that might help, I appreciate it. Thanks again.
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Re: .mkv Remux vs. BluRay Playback

Post by flojo »

Drybonz wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:18 pm
... like variations in decoding, etc (I don't know what...
... to improve .mkv playback.
This is obvious... you're using madVR.

madVR applies filters to files like "movie.mkv", in fact I don't think you can stop madVR from doing this, which means you might be experiencing crappy graphing techniques like "tone mapping" for HDR video. For physical discs there's probably no filtering at all, simply straight from the disc (this is even more probable if it's a 4K UHD disc).

With any moderately new TV you shouldn't be using madVR for anything, although you might be forced to if you're using jriver products.
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Re: .mkv Remux vs. BluRay Playback

Post by Drybonz »

flojo wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 2:21 pm
Drybonz wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:18 pm
... like variations in decoding, etc (I don't know what...
... to improve .mkv playback.
This is obvious... you're using madVR.

madVR applies filters to files like "movie.mkv", in fact I don't think you can stop madVR from doing this, which means you might be experiencing crappy graphing techniques like "tone mapping" for HDR video. For physical discs there's probably no filtering at all, simply straight from the disc (this is even more probable if it's a 4K UHD disc).

With any moderately new TV you shouldn't be using madVR for anything, although you might be forced to if you're using jriver products.
Ok... great. This is what I was looking for. Yes, as I said in the first post, I'm using jriver with madvr. You are not forced to use madvr with jriver, and I am actively seeking either advice on what to use as alternatives or how to improve my picture through settings etc. Again, the original problem is a bluray remux does not look quite as good as straight-from-disc. Helpful information would be settings to improve viewing with my current setup, or tips on alternative software to get my remuxes looking as good as the disc. Thanks, everyone.
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