I'm sure you all know as you'll have all done the same but the rips are in and about the 20GB-40GB range. I don't think I have any blu ray over that or under that.
What I want to do is compress the MKV files so that:
1) I'm saving space (obviously)
2) where there is no obvious loss in image quality.
There obviously has to be some kind of loss as it's being compressed but I want to watch these movies back (TV: Panasonic LED TV TX-58DX750B) via Plex and not even know they've been compressed. I would like for say someone else to come in & think they're watching the blu-ray disc itself.
So no grainy images in other words.
So with that in mind, what kind of filesize are we talking about getting say a 30GB (middle of the park) file to? Not what can we get it to as in the smallest file possible, but what is a realistic file size while still retaining no obvious loss in image quality?
And if you care to talk about settings then don't let me stop you. The more help the better