So it's a strange issue: i have Ripped an NTSC DVD video completely from a DVD folder structure (manually opened) with MakeMKV, but when i try to play the result mkv video via any playback software it just stuck "still" at the very beginning of the video at 0:00 counter, as if it has been paused. A little seeking further in to the video (even just to 5 sec forward or so) got it playing immediately fine till the end. But every time I reopen it with any video player app it won't start the playback automatically, which is a very strange kind of behavior, as I've never experienced it with any other videos before, not even with those ripped by MakeMKV. Reripping the video again and again just ends up with this same result, when I open the video for playback it still stuck at the beginning at 0:00 timer, tho the playback software shows the Playback button active as regularly, so it's definitely the fault of the video itself.
Wonder what could cause this error and how to fix it (maybe even with some other Remuxing/Ripping tool that doesn't do any reencoding)?
Thanks for the replies!