Subtitle and audio track naming

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Re: Subtitle and audio track naming

Post by Chetwood »

I do this why working and when 5 or so disks are on the HDD, I rip them with MakeMKV in a row unattended.
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Re: Subtitle and audio track naming

Post by mgutt »

Ah ok. I bought four drives and connected them through two dual port eSATAp slot cards. By that I'm having directly the final MKV and its fast. Everytime I'm done I put the drives back in the drawer. This was the cheapiest solution I could find (instead of buying an Addonics Storage Tower).

EDIT: Now I use the MakeMKV backup function (I think you meant the same) to copy the whole disc before doing selecting, naming, etc. through MakeMKV. I found out its faster to determine the correct movie title (as I can open the single decoded segments/mpls files) and its faster to determine the subtitles as I do not need to load the movie from disc through DVDFab Player.

Regarding the idea of having a cloud based subtitle naming the MakeMKV database could use a hash build by the amount of titles, their segment numbers, the movie length and file sizes of all titles. This should work as good as a unique disc id and it does not matter how the user creates his mkvs (live from disc, iso, backup, etc.).
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