Make mkv from bnackup

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Make mkv from bnackup

Post by 8h60TTvV »

I have made 3 successful files using your program. Thanks. Now I have my wife's old Sound Of Music bluray, (2 actually), that I want to rip to put on an xHD for her, but I can't get it to rip the disk, but it is making a back up. ????? How do I make a mkv from the back up, if it completes successfully? Thanks. I did look, but did not find any info on this.
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Re: Make mkv from bnackup

Post by Woodstock »

Have you tried clicking on the big button that has an image of a disk that says "Bluray"? That will open the disk and let you create MKV files from the contents.

If you used the "Backup" feature instead, you should be able to tell MakeMKV to open the backup, by clicking on "File", "Open Files", then navigate to the BDMV directory of the backup. There you should find "index.bdmv", which you can select and click Open.

At this point, you will see what you would have seen if you'd used the big button when the disk was in the drive. :)
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