How to: Convert an ISO file to MKV with audio sound 5.1

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How to: Convert an ISO file to MKV with audio sound 5.1

Post by cauba »

Someone could help me to convert an ISO file to MKV with audio 5.1, thanks for advance :D
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Re: How to: Convert an ISO file to MKV with audio sound 5.1

Post by Woodstock »

The first question is, does the ISO actually HAVE 5.1 audio?

In MakeMKV, File->Open, select the ISO file. Assuming it is correctly formatted (some ISOs aren't video DVDs), you should be able to select the tracks you want to convert. If they have 5.1 audio, you can verify that it is selected by right-clicking on the title, and checking that the tracks within are selected.

Key to all of this - TRY DIFFERENT THINGS. There is nothing to loose by some time if you play with different settings.
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