Playback on Samsung Smart TV

MKV playback, recompression, remuxing, codec packs, players, howtos, etc.
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Playback on Samsung Smart TV

Post by robdos »


I have a samsung 6800 smart tv which has been happily playing mkv files produced by makeMKV for months.

However the last two makeMKV produced wont play on the TV at all.

Previous ones produced by an earlier version of makeMKV work fine on the same TV, I currently have v1.8.

All files play on my PC.

The TV states "file not supported"

Any ideas?

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Re: Playback on Samsung Smart TV

Post by Woodstock »

If you have MKVToolnix available, try processing the files through it to new files (no real changes, just read then rewrite), and see if that helps. Samsung TVs are very finicky about what they accept, and sometimes the order of tracks makes a HUGE difference.

Were these files that are giving you problems from a Bluray, by chance? There are also possibilities of incompatible CODECs on the video. Since MakeMKV doesn't change the encoding, if the TV doesn't know about the particular CODEC, it won't be compatible.
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