Pb with converting HD Audio

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Pb with converting HD Audio

Post by francois74 »

I tried to convert an hd audio track , true hd,
when i tried to play it on my player, it appears, that my player does'nt have the codec, but it's an oppo 95
The others languages track work perfect
i use the trial version, maybe this is the reason ?
Thanks for your help
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Re: Pb with converting HD Audio

Post by Woodstock »

There is no "full" or "trial" version of MakeMKV, just how long the license key is valid for. If you pay for a key, it doesn't expire; if you don't, you have to periodically update the key, if a new version hasn't come out recently.

Did you also have MakeMKV pull the other audio tracks?

Some players will play the FIRST track they find in a file, unless told otherwise. If they don't have the CODEC to decode it, they'll either play no audio, or crash. You can use tools like MKVtoolnix, to rearrange the order of audio tracks to fix this, until your player software can handle lossless audio.
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