How do I choose the right title - having two identical ones?

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How do I choose the right title - having two identical ones?

Post by Bl4ckShadow »


I think the title describes my problem pretty much. I want to rip my Bluray "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" onto my PC and in the list on the left I get two identical titles (see added screenshot, yellow marked), most likely this is made intentionally by Disney for preventing ripping etc..
Now how do I distinguish between the right and false one? Both have the identical size and amout of chapters...

Thanks for any help in advance. :)
mmkv_prob.PNG (113.64 KiB) Viewed 39192 times
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Re: How do I choose the right title - having two identical o

Post by Smithcraft »

BDInfo might be able to help.

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Re: How do I choose the right title - having two identical o

Post by Bl4ckShadow »

Hey SC, thanks for your answer. I already tried scanning with BDInfo, but didn't get much smarter...

Screen with the comparison of the two titles is here:
comp_51-52.png (101.56 KiB) Viewed 39185 times
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Re: How do I choose the right title - having two identical o

Post by Romansh »

The first stream of each playlist has the same duration but is different (00726.M2TS vs. 00745.M2TS).

If you use the backup function, you can check the two files (found in BDMV/STREAM/) to see what the difference is.

You might also try using the streaming feature to compare the titles.
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Re: How do I choose the right title - having two identical o

Post by Smithcraft »

At the home page(or at least I presume it to be the home page) for BDInfo, there is a link to the AVS Forums where a database of sorts has been set up for this sort of thing.

When picking the section for Pirates, and then scrolling through the list, I'm guessing that(and I forget the silliness of BD region coding), the UK version is the same region/version that you have. So I picked ... count=3396 , which implies that 00051 is the playlist that you want to use.

Of course the person posting that info could be wrong. :wink:

This is pretty much what I checked when I was playing the T2-Skynet Edition to select the different movie versions.

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Re: How do I choose the right title - having two identical o

Post by Bl4ckShadow »

Thanks guys for all the answers!

Finally I picked each different small title in 51.mpls and 52.mpls and muxed it to an individual .mkv to see what the difference really is.

Both of them are the introduction of the film. The difference is that in 726 the name - which is shown in an animation - is written in English and in 745 it's German. That's it^^ :)

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Re: How do I choose the right title - having two identical o

Post by Smithcraft »

That would be the way it appeared from the info at the AVS forum. Two files, one a few minutes, and then the other the rest of the film.

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Re: How do I choose the right title - having two identical o

Post by freem@n »

I also was surprised like Bl4ckShadow when I saw the two 'identical' titles. Luckily I found this thread. I chose the 52.mpls for the german presentation and it worked like a charm. Thank you all for posting this helpful guide, because this was my first bd-copy
made my day :)
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