Using MakeMKV and then HandBrake for blu-ray rip

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Using MakeMKV and then HandBrake for blu-ray rip

Post by mikeyjeff »

Hi folks,

I'm having difficulties using MakeMKV in conjunction with HandBrake for the purposes of shrinking a ~28mb MKV extraction from a blu-ray disc. Basically what happens is that the MakeMKV process works fine, and the playback from the pure extracted MKV is perfect, however the MKV that is generated by HandBrake seems to be incompatible with my Media Player Classic - Home Cinema player (or, any player for that matter - have tried VLC also and others).

Just wondering whether anyone has some settings for both MakeMKV or HandBrake (or both) to get this function working properly. I appear to stumble upon the correct settings, but the next extraction doesn't work and the problem returns.

By studdering, I mean that the picture playback goes quickly, then slowly (as if it needs to 'catch up') - it's really unwatchable and the sound is also quick/slow. There's no other significant processes running in the background, so I don't believe it is the PC labouring or running too slowly. All MKV's not created by myself work perfectly, so I'm convinced it is the settings I am using.

I use HandBrake for other extractions with normal DVDs with no problems, so hence why I am posting this here rather than in a HandBrake forum.

If anyone has some advice on good settings to use to shrink an MakeMKV with HandBrake I'd appreciate it. Alternatively, if there is a better program to achieve the same end, I'm all ears!

I originally used HandBrake's "Normal" Apple settings, but had success only once using the "Universal" settings, but replicating these settings doesn't appear to have had any success.

Welcome people's thoughts and advice.

best wishes,
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Re: Using MakeMKV and then HandBrake for blu-ray rip

Post by Woodstock »

What version of Handbrake? Encoding to MKV or MP4? If MP4, did you turn on the "large file size" option for the encode?

If you're using the release version of Handbrake, consider the "nightly builds".
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Re: Using MakeMKV and then HandBrake for blu-ray rip

Post by mikeyjeff »

Hi there,
I am using HandBrake 0.9.5 - the latest one that you can download from their main site.
I am using Large File Support as well as using the MKV container.

I will examine using the nightly build and see if that assists in any way.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Using MakeMKV and then HandBrake for blu-ray rip

Post by Smithcraft »

I use the High Profile setting and set the rate factor from 22 to 24, for HD content.

However, the issue you seem to be having is with Handbrake, and not MakeMKV. Therefore, I would recommend that you collect your encode logs, and post at the Handbrake forums.

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