Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

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Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

Post by DeadSilver »

Whenever the movie has something like fireworks, the screen starts to stutter and start to glitch out. Don't know if there's any fix to this.
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Re: Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

Post by Woodstock »

Flashes are generally spots where the encoded bit stream has to toss out all data and load a new frame "from scratch". This is a lot of bandwidth, and slow decoders or limited-bandwidth transport mechanisms can cause decoder issues.

What player? Local or network media?
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Re: Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

Post by DeadSilver »

Local media I think. Im new to this whole thing.
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Re: Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

Post by Woodstock »

The main thing to understand is how video is "shrunk". Except in the case of raw video from a camera, you do not have complete, individual pictures for video stream. Ignoring the official terminology, you have an "initial frame" that is complete, followed a series of "difference frames" that only contain what is different between the current frame and the initial frame. That repeats throughout the video. Fewer initial frames means less bits that need to be sent, but too many difference frames make it hard to jump around in the video, and any glitches in transmission become obvious.

If the difference the current frame and the previous frame is too great (like a sudden change in lighting) or rapid movement, a new initial frame will be inserted (lots of bits transferred). If the decoder is marginal or the bandwidth limited, you can get stutters or tearing in the video.
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Re: Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

Post by DeadSilver »

Is there any way to fix this? Or are some movies just not able to work with the software?
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Re: Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

Post by Woodstock »

MakeMKV doesn't care about the bitrate. It's your playback software that cares. Have you tried different players? Both VLC and Kodi are available for a wide variety of hardware, and are pretty good at dealing with high-bandwidth video, unless the hardware is slow.
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Re: Burned movie from Bluray has stutter when flashes occur on screen

Post by DeadSilver »

I havn't yet. Just used powerdvd.
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