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Mac vs Pc

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:48 pm
by nepenthe
Have noticed that when I run the same movie through MakeMKV on my Mac and on my PC I get drastic time difference. The Mac will take over an hour to process the movie and the PC will take 15 to 25 minutes to process the same movie.

My Mac is a new computer, it is a Mac Pro and most definitely the more powerful computer, but yet the PC blows it away on this. Is anyone else seeing this, or am I doing something wrong on this?

Thanks for any help.

Re: Mac vs Pc

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:21 pm
by Woodstock
Speed of ripping depends mainly on the optical drive, but can be affected by the destination. MakeMKV will complain if the reading-from-optical happens faster than writing, but it will just report the rip speed if there is no writing bottleneck.

Re: Mac vs Pc

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:07 pm
by nepenthe
The optical drive doesn't apply here. They are all ISO files stored on a share drive, and I am testing to the same share drive.

Re: Mac vs Pc

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:45 am
by Woodstock
How is the drive shared, using Windows networking (SMB), or something else?

Performance of Macs when talking to SMB networks sucks. They do much better if working with other network protocols. You can find better network stacks out there that will improve performance.

If the drive is shared from a Network Attached Storage server, you might want to enable NFS sharing. Some NAS units have settings for "Mac File Services", which might help.

Re: Mac vs Pc

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:57 pm
by nepenthe
Woodstock wrote:How is the drive shared, using Windows networking (SMB), or something else?

Performance of Macs when talking to SMB networks sucks. They do much better if working with other network protocols. You can find better network stacks out there that will improve performance.

If the drive is shared from a Network Attached Storage server, you might want to enable NFS sharing. Some NAS units have settings for "Mac File Services", which might help.
I did think of this and tried using NFS but I got the same results. Sorry I didn't share that, but I thought some might same you did use the same method and there is your variable. I tried with both. I used SMB on windows, which I also read that using NFS on widows sucks in the same way that SMB does for Macs. I tried both SMB and NFS on the MAC.

The only thing I didn't try was an APL share, but at this point I have 100's to convert and was tired of testing.

Oh just in case you are wondering how it is stored, it is a NAS setup on Freenas.

Re: Mac vs Pc

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:01 pm
by blakninja
How did you rip to iso? i can only see the folder option.

Re: Mac vs Pc

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:08 pm
by ndjamena
He's not ripping TOO iso, he's ripping FROM them. He's either decided isos waste too much space, he wants to re-encode the videos or he just needs them in a more convenient file format.

Re: Mac vs Pc

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:15 pm
by nepenthe
Yes I have 100's of iso that are taking up a lot of space. Also the more convenient format was a side affect of this. I can watch them from other devices instead of just my home XBMC.