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Default Save Location in Preferences never works

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:01 pm
by powderkeg
I have been using MakeMKV for some time and gone through any number of updates including the latest one which gives 10.10 compatibility - thanks for that. However in all that time the fault has never been fixed that means whatever you put in the preferences to specify a default Save location, the program always tries to put the output into User/Movies/Movie-name, and says that the folder does not exist; you then have to manually navigate to the desired folder every time. Can you please fix this? It's really lame.

Re: Default Save Location in Preferences never works

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:51 am
by mike admin
Do you select "custom" for location type as well?

Re: Default Save Location in Preferences never works

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:15 am
by powderkeg
Sorry this reply is late, didn't know I wouldn't get email notifications . . . sorry but I have no idea what your reply means!

Re: Default Save Location in Preferences never works

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 3:05 pm
by Woodstock
What Mike means is that there is a radio button set above the box with the path. What is checked there? The box means different things, depending on the selection.

The only one that strictly uses what is in the box is "Custom". The others interpret it as a starting point for creating a path.

For example, I have "SemiAuto" selected, and "Z:" in the box. I get "Z:\{disktitle}\" as the default path to save files.

Re: Default Save Location in Preferences never works

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 4:35 pm
by powderkeg
A-a-a-a-a-h ... I had set the directory in Preferences>General>MakeMKV Data Directory - had no idea I should be going into the Video section. Thanks for sorting it out.

Hoping one day for a re-design that will make the whole MakeMKV experience more intuitive, slick and fun to use, but in the mean time - at least it works!!