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MakeMKV and magicJack

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 3:46 am
by N8QQW
Just an odd behavioral item I thought I would pass along. I recently connected a magicJack (latest model) to my Mac and when I run MakeMKV, the magicJack shows up as an optical drive in MakeMKV. It also prevents MakeMKV from working. All sorts of errors appear when I try to scan a disc, and not a single DVD or BR-DVD that I tried will process. So I disconnected the magicJack, and MakeMKV worked fine again. I moved the magicJack to another Mac and got the same results. I haven't tried this with my Windows machine yet, but may do so later.

Re: MakeMKV and magicJack

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 5:22 pm
by kevmitch
For those who have no idea what a MagickJack is.

Re: MakeMKV and magicJack

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 9:11 am
by mike admin
Please enable debug log and post the full log here, as MakeMKV fails to scan the disc.

Re: MakeMKV and magicJack

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 1:31 pm
by N8QQW
Example log:

MakeMKV v1.8.10 darwin(x86-release) started?
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/N8QQW/MakeMKV_log.txt
?Optical drive "BD-RE PIONEER BD-RW BDR-XS05 1.10d" opened in OS access mode.?
DEBUG: Code 3758097095 at 25nzI*k??91i~ax|$=A76d4.H:29395540
?Optical drive "BD-ROM YMaxCorp magicJackPlus CD 3.00" opened in OS access mode.
?It's highly recommended to install DASPI kernel extension to improve performance.
?Using direct disc access mode
?Title #1 was added (14 cell(s), 1:16:00)
?Title #3 was added (14 cell(s), 1:16:00)
?Title 3 in VTS 1 is equal to title 1 and was skipped
?Error 'OS error - (ipc/send) invalid destination port' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB' at offset '0'
?Error 'OS error - (ipc/send) invalid destination port' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB' at offset '0'
?Error 'OS error - (ipc/send) invalid destination port' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB' at offset '0'
?Error 'OS error - (ipc/send) invalid destination port' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB' at offset '0'
?Error 'OS error - (ipc/send) invalid destination port' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB' at offset '0'
?DEBUG: Code 1 at 2MJf15KMij|k~'J8:29394413?
DEBUG: Code 0 at ]|bq4Z$dz91.tb2:213138770
?DEBUG: Code 0 at CE?[xybkz^sQ@k:29397564
?DEBUG: Code 2281701379 at 3Dk6m`=Bb,@d`?7=oz:213132100
?DEBUG: Code 2281701379 at 3Dk6m`=Bb,@d`?7=oz:29393930
?Error 'OS error - (ipc/send) invalid destination port' occurred while reading 'BD-RE PIONEER BD-RW BDR-XS05 1.10' at offset '530432'?
DEBUG: Code 0 at 90?LoN@Bw1R},*&LvE~:29394183
?DEBUG: Code 0 at 90?LoN@Bw1R},*&LvE~:29393930
?Failed to open disc
?DEBUG: Code 2281701379 at ]&+d1ok!en>,'IDZ:213134699

At this point, the last DEBUG line repeats hundreds of times, and MakeMKV stops responding. I have to quit MakeMKV to eject the disc.