Stupid Question: Higest AACS Version

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Stupid Question: Higest AACS Version

Post by J_Man87 » Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:19 am

Hello! This is a stupid question, but, I'm trying to rip a blu ray copy of toy story and I keep getting the error "The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
Failed to open disc"

I think it has to do with my AACS version, I just updated the makemkv version, but it is still saying my highest AACS version is 56, but the notes say that we're on 66. Any insight in what I may be missing here? Any help is appreciated!

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Re: Stupid Question: Higest AACS Version

Post by Woodstock » Tue Feb 12, 2019 2:05 pm

Were there other errors shown before the key error?

You are correct that Toy Story should rip with no issue, but sometimes there are errors reading the start of the disk, which is where the key information is stored.

The "Highest AACS version" indicates the highest version of AACS that MakeMKV has seen in your installation. Someone with an old collection (no recent stuff) might have a "highest" showing a very low number.

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Stupid Question Higest AACS Version

Post by Marvinbew » Sun Feb 17, 2019 7:03 am

I did that, thank you. I was just wondering if there were any other ways. Is there any way to change the setting for what shows up in the badge count?

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Re: Stupid Question: Higest AACS Version

Post by Woodstock » Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:31 pm

If you're referring to the "highest AACS", that will be found in your MakeMKV data directory (set in Preferences->General), and it will be highest-numbered "MKB_v*" or MKB2_v*" file found there. Delete all the MKB files, and the number will disappear (or is it "go to zero"? I can't remember).

But that will not affect reading the key information off the disk. And the first disk you insert will create a new MKB file.

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Re: Stupid Question: Higest AACS Version

Post by J_Man87 » Tue Mar 19, 2019 3:33 am

Hello again! By some fluke, I was able to get the first Toy Story to copy just fine. Now I am attempting to do the same with the second Toy Story movie and hitting the same issue. Any ideas? This is what I'm seeing:
Opening files on harddrive at /Volumes/TOY_STORY_2_GBR
Saved AACS dump file as HARD_DRIVE/MKB_v15_Toy_Story_2_2706.tgz The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
Failed to open disc
Help? I seriously have never hit this many issues using MakeMKV in the past, I've just been away from it for a while and maybe I'm missing something. Thanks!

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