how to rip the segments separately instead of one wholefile?

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how to rip the segments separately instead of one wholefile?

Post by mizuhashiyuto » Wed May 03, 2017 7:10 pm

dear all,

i am new here. please forgive me for the stupid question.
i am using makemkv for mac os x, and using it to rip a dvd to my computer.
it worked well, except for one thing.
it is not a movie. it is a tv drama dvd with 9 segments in it.
it seems do not have an option for me to rip the segments individually.
(for example one episode a file)
it ripped to the computer as a whole, becoming a total 2 hour long file.

is there any way to separate that into 9 files?
looking forward to the advice.
it would be helpful for me, thanks a lot.

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Re: how to rip the segments separately instead of one wholef

Post by Woodstock » Wed May 03, 2017 8:34 pm


This ONLY works with DVDs.

The other option is to rip the whole thing, and use other means to separate the segments. I do this a lot, because everything I rip gets processed with handbrake, to make it smaller, and handbrake can break things up by chapter.

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