PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!

The place to discuss Mac OS X version of MakeMKV
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PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by technoj » Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:52 pm

I am running version 1.10.2 on Mac OS version 10.12 (Sierra). It works great...Until you try to eject the disk. Somehow this caused my mac to stop recognizing the DVD port on my Mac Mini. I took it to an apple store and it had to be replaced. Can you please replace whatever eject command you are using with the default system eject? People's macs should not have to be repaired just to use your program.

Thank You!

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Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:03 am

Re: PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by turnkit » Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:06 am

There's probably no response because the app shouldn't in theory be able to do what you described.

If your hardware failed it was due to hardware failure not makemkv doing anything.

If it is possible to accidentally corrupt the hardware as you described it would be good to fix.

I'm having troubles sometimes getting an HDDVD to eject from an XBOX USB drive connected and have to pull the power. But requiring service probably means the hardware failed.

Also - do you know on a Mac you can hold the mouse button down while powering up and the drive should always eject?

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