Since updating to version 1.12.0 can't backup decrypted disk

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Since updating to version 1.12.0 can't backup decrypted disk

Post by nemesys »

Every Blu-Ray I tried since upgrading to version 1.12.0 is now failing in Handbrake. When doing a backup, I made sure that "Decrypt video files" is on but it doesn't make any difference. When I try to create a mv4 from Handbrake like I did in the past, Handbrake more or less quickly fails. I have tried 4 different Blu-Ray discs so far with the same results.

Anybody else?
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Re: Since updating to version 1.12.0 can't backup decrypted

Post by Woodstock »

If you're going to encode in handbrake, is there a compelling reason you don't have MakeMKV make MKV files? Backup is rather wasteful of space, AND you add in having to rely on handbrake's knowledge of BD structures, which isn't absolute.

Check your handbrake logs to see if they mention anything about having trouble loading libbluray...
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