MakeMKV does absolutely nothing when opening index.bdmv or MovieObject.bdmv

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MakeMKV does absolutely nothing when opening index.bdmv or MovieObject.bdmv

Post by caseyls »

I've read a bunch of topics about this but none of them seem to be my exact issue.

I just installed MakeMKV for the first time. I have a BDMV folder (it's just a folder, not a disk image), with a BACKUP folder inside. I launch MakeMKV, select open file, and select the index.bdmv file. The open file dialog closes, and nothing happens. Same goes for if I click on MovieObject.bdmv.

I took a log, and this is all it shows, after attempting to open both of those files:

Code: Select all

Debug log started at Sun Nov 29 16:03:34 2020 , written by MakeMKV v1.15.3 darwin(x64-release)
Using 262272KB for read cache.
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.15.3 darwin(x64-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as file:///Users/caseyls/MakeMKV_log.txt
Network access is ENABLED, CURL version 7.64.1/(SecureTransport) LibreSSL/2.8.3 (x86_64-apple-darwin20.0) , proxy server not set.
005042:0000 The program can't find any usable optical drives.
Apologies if I'm missing something totally obvious here, but I simply cannot get this to work. Thank you for any help.
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Re: MakeMKV does absolutely nothing when opening index.bdmv or MovieObject.bdmv

Post by dcoke22 »

When I open a MakeMKV backup, I select the enclosing BDMV folder, not anything inside it.
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Re: MakeMKV does absolutely nothing when opening index.bdmv or MovieObject.bdmv

Post by caseyls »

It doesn't let me select the folder itself, only a file.
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Re: MakeMKV does absolutely nothing when opening index.bdmv or MovieObject.bdmv

Post by Ezatoka »

What else is in your BDMV folder?

Like there should be a folder named playlists and one named streams and a few others.
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Re: MakeMKV does absolutely nothing when opening index.bdmv or MovieObject.bdmv


I'd like to add to this topic since, as you mentioned, no other active topic seems to reflect this issue.

I have the exact same behavior with 1.15.3 but running on Ubuntu within Docker.

When I select either of the *.bdmv files, it simply does absolutely nothing. Even with debug logs enabled, nothing is logged. It's like it just doesn't know I selected something.

Restarting or recreating the container does not help, not sure where to go from here.

EDIT: I'll confirm shortly but my issue, I believe, was because of SABNZBD. In Settings -> Switches -> Post Processing, there is a setting called Ignore any folders inside archives which was checked and caused the entire disk to be unpacked from the rar files into a single folder, meaning no subfolders and everything at the root of that one folder. I'll retry now after redownloading.
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