flash firmware?

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flash firmware?

Post by Jman5150 »

ok been having an issue with 4k and their blu-ray ejecting upon load.

did some research and found someone who had this and had to flash their firmware.

i found a forum post on that however I don't have one of their listed external case.

concerned this could make things worse so how do i check my firmware version?
is the case a big deal enough to buy a new one? have a next star dx

does this sound like my answer before i mess things ups?

thanks in advanced.
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Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:38 pm

Re: flash firmware?

Post by st4evr »

Your concerns can be addressed here:


No need to spam the forum with multiple posts on the exact same thing. Someone usually will eventually try to respond/reply to your posts if at all possible.
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