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Launching MakeMKV initiates download from

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:19 pm
by hedcase
Hey all - I've run into the strangest behavior. Since updating to a later version of MakeMKV at every launch, Safari will attempt to download the same app from Now, reverting back to older versions of the app will behave the same way.

I purchased LittleSnitch to figure out how/why/where this is coming from. The only thing I can find is webkit is downloading but not sure whats telling webkit to do it. See link below for screenshot.

Any help is appreciated!

Re: Launching MakeMKV initiates download from

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:06 pm
by Woodstock
If you first installed MakeMKV from's site (rather than here), they probably inserted something in your system to always check their site for the "latest version" they've approved of.

Re: Launching MakeMKV initiates download from

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:25 pm
by hedcase
Thats exactly what I did. Any idea how to stop it from happening? I've uninstalled, reinstalled, old versions and the latest versions. Nothing seems to fix it.

Re: Launching MakeMKV initiates download from

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:48 am
by Woodstock
Searching for "uninstall macupdate loader" comes up with a page on their site for getting rid of it. It says:
MacUpdate Desktop doesn’t require any further uninstallation steps aside from being moved to the trash. If you are unable to empty your trash, you may still need to quit all MacUpdate Desktop processes. Do this by clicking the MacUpdate Desktop menu item, then clicking the gears icon and selecting Quit MacUpdate Desktop. After doing this, you should be able to empty your trash.

If you don’t see a MacUpdate Desktop menu item or it’s unresponsive, you can force quit the app from the Force Quite Applications dialogue by pressing ⌘⌥Esc (Command + Option + Escape) and quitting MacUpdate Desktop, or launching Activity Monitor and quitting any MacUpdate Desktop processes. By ensuring you’ve quit MacUpdate Desktop, you’ll be able to empty your trash and remove MacUpdate Desktop.
Beyond what that says, I've got nothing....