Cannot extract mkv from file since upgrade to 1.9.9

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Cannot extract mkv from file since upgrade to 1.9.9

Post by marstonstudio »

I have had problems creating MKV files from Blu Ray MovieObject.bmdv files since upgrading from MakeMkv 1.9.8 to 1.9.9.

The whole process seems to go fine, but it gets stuck at the end. Once the remaining time has reached 00:00, it gets stuck and never finishes.The elapsed time will continue to increment for hours until I cancel the process. I have tried this with several files which have had the same problem. I am on El Capitan.

I tried reinstalling makemkv, but problem persists.

Has anybody else experienced this problem?

Is it possible to download 1.9.8 for Mac from anywhere?
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Re: Cannot extract mkv from file since upgrade to 1.9.9

Post by Woodstock »


Versions 1.9.7 to current are there. Older versions are not available.

Please make sure you have debug logging turned on, try it with 1.9.9 first, save the log to a new name, and try it with 1.9.8, and send both logs to Mike at so he can have something to work with, especially if version 1.9.8 succeeds where 1.9.9 fails.
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