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Debian Package and RPM Package?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:43 pm
by lhb1142
I use MakeMKV on a computer running Xubuntu 12.04. It is relatively easy to install from your binaries but the process is somewhat convoluted. I read where you are working on Debian packaging for the program. Will that be coming soon? I certainly hope so!

I also now use MakeMKV on a machine running PCLinuxOS. I could not figure out how to install the program from the binaries so one of the administrators was kind enough to create an RPM package which was easy to install. Is there any possibility that you can create such an RPM package for future releases of MakeMKV?

Thanks for reading this.

Re: Debian Package and RPM Package?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:39 am
by asdqwe
you can create .rpm and .deb packages using checkinstall. Just do a

Code: Select all

make -f makefile.linux
sudo checkinstall make -f makefile.linux install
instead of the standard procedure.

Please note that these packages will work only on your specific system (libs, etc.) and are not suitable for redistribution! If you want the latter, you can also build a package yourself; .deb-packaging is very well documented. But to be honest it's quite painful if you didn't read all the documentation already.