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Flashing Firmware makemkvcon hangs, does nothing

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 7:55 am
by RippidyDooDa
Hey all, I can't seem to find an answer to this so trying a new post.

I followed all of the directions for flashing firmware. I've got a WH16NS50 manufactured in July 2024.

This is the command I'm running...

sudo makemkvcon f -d /dev/sr0 -f /home/luke/Downloads/sdf.bin rawflash enc -i /home/luke/Downloads/HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS60-1.02-NM00100-211810291936.bin

After hitting enter it just hangs. Nothing happens. I've tried with/without sudo, with/without enc, etc., but nothing is happening.

Any pointers?

Re: Flashing Firmware makemkvcon hangs, does nothing

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 4:34 pm
by flojo
It'd bugged. Try a version prior. Old trial versions don't rip but they seem to still flash.

Re: Flashing Firmware makemkvcon hangs, does nothing

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 4:54 pm
by av8orbysea
Had a similar experience myself. I ended up flashing on another machine...actually my laptop...which was pretty straight forward. Then I reconnected the drive to my Plex server (Ubuntu).

FWIW... I've found makemkvcon on the command line in Ubuntu (22.04 LTS) to be occasionally unstable (for flashing and ripping). What worked better for me was installing through snap on Gnome (after installing the graphical environment) which has worked perfectly so far. Makemkvconf hung in some places while accessing the drive without any log output to explain why. I believe, though, that the snap version is one version behind the command line...perhaps there is something to that. Would fit in to what flojo said previously.
