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Known issues with 1.6.1 and AACS 12?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:58 pm
by jumboag
I've recently started re-ripping a box set I previously copied (somewhere in the 1.5.6-1.5.8 time frame) because I'm upping the video quality of the m4v files I make from the source MKVs and am running into some issues.

On 1.5.X, I never had an issue with any of the bluray's I'm currently ripping. With 1.6.1, I keep running into issues where they cant be read. Sometimes makeMKV returns a "volume key is unknown", other times I get the "newer AACS" warning with the link to report it, other times I just get a nondescript error. Funny thing is that one of the DVD's worked after trying it again a couple of days later.

The drive plays back flawlessly, (Its an external plextor) so I think the drive hardware is fine. I'm wondering if anybody knows of an issue with 1.6.1 specifically with AACS v12 listed as the protection type. (So far, 12 is the only one I'm running into issues with).

Unfortunately, I deleted my 1.5.8 source tarballs when I installed 1.6.0 (and then 1.6.1 a couple of days later - THANK YOU!!! for the ultra fast turnaround on that one Mike Admin!!!) so I unfortunately cant roll back to see if 1.5.8 isnt experiencing the same issue at the moment.

Re: Known issues with 1.6.1 and AACS 12?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:52 am
by mike admin
It really looks like an unrelated error. I would blame the drive but if you say that previous version worked fine then I can't think of anything at all.