Linux mint 21.3 need help adding MakeMKV to system

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Linux mint 21.3 need help adding MakeMKV to system

Post by Linxrider66 » Mon May 13, 2024 1:58 am

I have searched all over trying to find how to install MakeMKV to linux Mint 21.3
I have found many different and scary pieces of advice that I am hesitant to utilize.
I there an easy/er way to accomplish this?


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Re: Linux mint 21.3 need help adding MakeMKV to system

Post by wmcclain » Mon May 13, 2024 5:03 pm

The official build instructions are here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=224

Are people saying that doesn't work? I used to do it quite often but now on Arch Linux I use the version in the user repository.

It doesn't look like Mint has this in their repository. So I would build it has shown in the instructions.
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Re: Linux mint 21.3 need help adding MakeMKV to system

Post by bmillham » Mon May 13, 2024 9:37 pm

The official instructions work just fine for Mint. Just follow those instructions (not random YouTube videos or other advice, use the official instructions on this site)

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