Selection Rule for DVD Ripping doesn't work

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Selection Rule for DVD Ripping doesn't work

Post by bepsx77 »

Hi everybody,

I'm currently evaluating the version 1.9 of MakeMKV on Linux. One of my goal is to be able to rip from a DVD only the LPCM stereo audiotracks, without any video stream or multi-channel audio stream. To do so (quick & dirty) I modified the default profile .xml file for what is about the "app_DefaultSelectionString" in this manner:


To be short: it doesn't work and it rips all the DVD streams in an .mkv file as it is ignoring the change I made in the profile.

So, my first question would be: is it theoretically possible to do what I would like to do?
If yes, what I'm doing wrong? :)

The same test on a Blu-Ray disc seems to work, so I was wondering if for the DVD it's another story.

Thanks a lot in advance,
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