Code: Select all
makemkv.makemkvcon -r --debug --directio=true info iso:/mnt/encoding/rips/ABOMINABLE.ISO
MSG:5042,0,0,"The program can't find any usable optical drives.","The program can't find any usable optical drives."
MSG:1003,32,3,"DEBUG: Code 13 at d>6><rI<\\fk[SXmrUTi|_L:121261658","DEBUG: Code %1 at %2:%3","13","d>6><rI<\\fk[SXmrUTi|_L","121261658"
MSG:5007,0,1,"Failed to open file /mnt/encoding/rips/ABOMINABLE.ISO","Failed to open file %1","/mnt/encoding/rips/ABOMINABLE.ISO"
MSG:1003,32,3,"DEBUG: Code 233 at gTL2a+MH9VQ2VL3OT6Kf8WI1:0","DEBUG: Code %1 at %2:%3","233","gTL2a+MH9VQ2VL3OT6Kf8WI1","0"
MSG:5010,0,0,"Failed to open disc","Failed to open disc"
But I am able to load the file manually in the GUI and the disc will be recognized and work just fine.
I am trying to write a script that can automatically convert all of my ISOs into MKVs.
I also tried (thinking that maybe "info" was just sensitive):
Code: Select all
makemkv.makemkvcon -r --debug --directio=true mkv iso:/mnt/encoding/rips/ABOMINABLE.ISO all /mnt/encoding/mkvs/
MSG:5042,0,0,"The program can't find any usable optical drives.","The program can't find any usable optical drives."
MSG:1003,32,3,"DEBUG: Code 13 at d>6><rI<\\fk[SXmrUTi|_L:121261658","DEBUG: Code %1 at %2:%3","13","d>6><rI<\\fk[SXmrUTi|_L","121261658"
MSG:5007,0,1,"Failed to open file /mnt/encoding/rips/ABOMINABLE.ISO","Failed to open file %1","/mnt/encoding/rips/ABOMINABLE.ISO"
MSG:1003,32,3,"DEBUG: Code 233 at 86a8rJ1HAhZmAmOf7R7rzW7h:0","DEBUG: Code %1 at %2:%3","233","86a8rJ1HAhZmAmOf7R7rzW7h","0"
MSG:5010,0,0,"Failed to open disc","Failed to open disc"
I would appreciate any help.