unknown application tile on Ubuntu task bar

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unknown application tile on Ubuntu task bar

Post by WhimsicalLlamaH »

Anyone else dealing with an "unknown" application tile on the Ubuntu taskbar.

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Server with Ubuntu Desktop GUI installed
MakeMKV installs no problem (per the guide: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=224). The program is fully functional. I've also clean uninstalled all MakeMKV files and tried to reinstall.

The application icon shows up in the application list, however when opened, it shows up as an MakeMKV icon, but when you hover, it shows "Unknown"
You can't favorite (pin) the icon from the taskbar. You can favorite the application from the application list, BUT when opened, it doesn't stack on that pinned icon. It opens a net new MakeMKV icon with the "unknown" tag.

The application .desktop entry is created in the application build.
Here's the details from /usr/share/applications/makemkv.desktop

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=DVD and Blu-ray to MKV converter and network streamer
I've manually changed the Exec line to direct to /usr/bin/makemkv, with no change.
I've rebooted, same icon issue.

I know this an Ubuntu issue, and probably not an MakeMKV issue, but I'm hoping someone else solved this UI issue.

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