Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by govtgeek »

StratTuner wrote:
Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:03 am
JGRatMKV wrote:
Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:08 pm
I am on Ubuntu 18.04 like StratTuner and was unable to find any PPA containing ccextractor for this particular release. (It is coming in the official Ubuntu Universe and is available via PPA's for several older versions: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ccextractor )

I was able to build it from the official git source repository without too much trouble: https://github.com/CCExtractor/ccextractor

If you have never used git before, you will need to install it on your system:
sudo apt-get install git

Most of the other dependencies are listed on the official github site for CCExtractor noted above. Here are the actual commands that I ran on my system to install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt-get install libtesseract-dev
sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev

Note that tesseract-ocr is not mentioned on the github site; but, it satisfies the tesseract-ocr-dev dependency that is listed. I could not install tesseract-ocr-dev on 18.04 via standard apt-get.

Copy everything else you need from github to your machine with the following command:
git clone https://github.com/CCExtractor/ccextractor

Build your copy of ccextractor by running the following commands:
cd ~/ccextractor/linux

Set the path to your newly created ~/ccextractor/linux/ccextractor file using the MakeMKV file system browser as described elsewhere.

Good luck!
Well... Quite some time has gone by, and I haven't got CCExtractor installed ... (sigh)...
I'd given up for the longest time... hoping that someone would post instructions on how to install this program....somewhere..
I'm back to reading posts that I just can't make any sense out of...

I'm hoping to find instructions that are step wise , as in
1. do this
2. do that
3. do something else

I keep running into instructions that say things like "do this in the LINUX folder".
OK...so I search "where is the LINUX folder", and I get a location.
I attempt to find this folder on my system, and it doesn't exist.....

but I return to your post, and I'll do my own instructions from what I can understand of yours, in real time... as I type this post....

1. install git -- "sudo apt-get install git" -- (that worked...on to next step)

2. paste the following into terminal box, or the Command Line INterface
sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt-get install libtesseract-dev
sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev
(OK, did that too. Don't know if any of that worked, but I did each line separately)

3. copy something from somewhere with the following command
git clone https://github.com/CCExtractor/ccextractor
(that seemed to work, but I wouldn't know success from failure if I were looking at it, and I am right now.)

4. Build your copy of ccextractor by running the following commands:
cd ~/ccextractor/linux
(that yielded the following which doesn't look good to me...)

"bash: cd: /home/don/ccextractor/linux: No such file or directory"

I'm probably dead in the water here, but I'll keep going with the instructions in case it worked and I just don't know it.

5. Set the path to your newly created ~/ccextractor/linux/ccextractor file using the MakeMKV file system browser as described elsewhere.

I actually do know how to do that in the MakeMKV program, but setting it to
still yields the message....
"Failed to execute external program 'ccextractor' from location '~/ccextractor/linux/ccextractor'"

This software can be installed and linked into MakeMKV....other people have done it....
I'm just not sure how.
Please help.
I'm not sure if you've managed to get it installed, but I think one step missing is knowing where you started in your terminal. The instructions assume you're starting in your home directory.

Do all of these steps in the same terminal window.

1. New Terminal
2. Change to the directory you want ccextractor installed (this uses your home directory)

Code: Select all

cd ~
3. Install git

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install git
4. Install the needed libraries and utilities. This can be done one by one, or all at once.
One by one:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt-get install libtesseract-dev
sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev
or all at once

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install gcc libcurl4-gnutls-dev tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev
5. Get a copy of the files from github. After installing git in step 3, this connects to the CCExtractor git pages. Those pages host all of the source code to create CCExtractor.

Code: Select all

git clone https://github.com/CCExtractor/ccextractor
6. Change into the ccextractor linux build directory

Code: Select all

cd ccextractor/linux/
7. Build ccextractor

Code: Select all

8. Determine full path to your executable (copy the output if necessary)

Code: Select all

It should look like

Code: Select all

9. Open MakeMKV (I assume you're not using the command line)
10. Open Preferences (View > Preferences) or Wrench icon
11. Under the "General" tab, enable "Expert Mode"
12. Under the "Advanced" tab (appears after Expert Mode is enabled), there is an entry for "ccextractor executable location". Find ccextractor using the browse files button on the right, or enter it manually using output from step 8 and including ccextractor at the end. It should look like this (except with your username):

Code: Select all

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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by StratTuner »

Failed to execute external program 'ccextractor' from location '/home/don/ccextractor/linux'

I do have to say, that the directions you gave were a valiant effort. Great work there! No doubt about it....

back to googling and typing everything i find, new , old , good, bad... until something works.
I know it can work because others get it to....just not sure how..

This is WHY I am NOT a technician.
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by StratTuner »


was the path in preferences in MakeMKV ...

caused it to work... I have NO idea why.... but that's just who I am.

I just clicked the little "browse" button and then clicked on the first "thing" I saw that said "ccextractor". Was it a folder? a program? who knows...

I learned how to write software in BASIC and then Borland's Turbo Pascal under MSDOS, and as Steely Dan once sang "those days are gone forever... over a long time ago..."

Worst part is...will I remember any of this the next time I have to install it? probably not... thanks to all who helped.
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by zodiak1123 »

Your solution worked. I just browsed and kept diving down the rabbit hole until I found it. Was under /home/{username}/ccextractor/linux/ccextractor
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by Pentarctagon »

mike admin wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:07 pm
duaner wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:47 am
If anyone doesn't want to bother with closed captions, you could just add this to .MakeMKV/settings.conf:

app_ccextractor = "/usr/bin/yes"
ccextractor is only invoked if CC streams are selected. Just don't select them, and there will be no hassle.
Could MakeMKV not automatically select them when ccextractor isn't installed then? Otherwise the default behavior on Linux is for MakeMKV to automatically select an option that it already knows will cause a failure, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by mscroggi »

duaner wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 3:47 am
If anyone doesn't want to bother with closed captions, you could just add this to .MakeMKV/settings.conf:

app_ccextractor = "/usr/bin/yes"
thats brilliant! I dont do captions.. I am ripping a tv series and for every episode I have to uncheck all the closed caption entries.. Not any more! awesome!
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by dmuir »

This is a response to StratTuner's post of March 12, 2019. Way to late to help him, but I don't see that anyone else has offered an answer. Since this thread was the top response when I searched "ccextractor" I thought I'd put an answer here for the next guy.

I followed JGRatMKV's instructions just like StratTuner and got to the same point where the command "cd ~/ccextractor/linux" returned "No such file or directory". The problem, at least in my case, was I opened my terminal by right-clicking on the desktop and then clicking "Open in terminal". That opened my terminal in the "~/Desktop" directory. Apparently, the "git clone" command used to obtain the makings of ccextractor just dumps everything into whatever directory you start from.

So I figured that out and ran the "./build" command from ~/Desktop/ccextractor/linux and ccextractor installed. Unfortunately, it installed in the Desktop directory. I now had the ccextractor icon sitting on my desktop, which I didn't want and which didn't work with JFRatMKV's instruction to use "~/ccextractor/linux/ccextractor" for your path. I had to delete ccextractor from the Desktop directory and then do everything again in the "Home/me" or "~" directory.

Long build-up. Short answer. In JGRatMKV's instructions for installing ccextractor, run the command

cd ~

before you run

git clone https://github.com/CCExtractor/ccextractor

Then follow the rest of JGRatMKV's instructions and you should be good. Hope this helps some newbie, like me, who struggles a bit with the terminal.
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by StratTuner »

This step by step is invaluable...thanks to who ever did that. I use it very time I set up Ubuntu on a new computer.
Thank you.
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by waldo22 »

FYI the ccextractor is now available on Debian Buster and later and Ubuntu focal and later (in the Universe repo).

Installing should be as easy as:
(make sure universe is enabled if on Ubuntu)

Code: Select all

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ccextractor
Then go into preferences, enable expert, go to "advanced" tab, and point the ccextractor location to:

Code: Select all

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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by barth36 »

waldo22 wrote:
Sun Nov 08, 2020 4:29 am
FYI the ccextractor is now available on Debian Buster and later and Ubuntu focal and later (in the Universe repo).

Installing should be as easy as:
(make sure universe is enabled if on Ubuntu)

Code: Select all

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ccextractor
Then go into preferences, enable expert, go to "advanced" tab, and point the ccextractor location to:

Code: Select all

This worked for me.

mike admin
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Re: Unable to execute external program 'ccextractor' on V1.14.1

Post by mike admin »

the "small" version of ccextractor is now part of oss, so everything should just work. it has no dependencies on any libraries.
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