Workaround for 1.8.6 compilation issues

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mike admin
Posts: 4075
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am

Workaround for 1.8.6 compilation issues

Post by mike admin »

UPDATE: The version 1.8.6 is obsolete, please see the generic build instructions at

As many of you have noticed, the requirement for libavcodec in 1.8.6 introduced compilation issues for many configurations. There are about a dozen versions of libavcodec coming from two distinct projects - ffmpeg and libav. It turned impossible to detect various library features at compile time, so we had to introduce a GNU solution to a GNU problem. Starting from the next version the structure and instructions to build MakeMKV OSS package would change. Meanwhile please try installing a new build of 1.8.6 , made with new rules. Please download the new oss package from [...] , unpack, and then run following commands to build the package:

Code: Select all

sudo make install
The new configure step should detect the version and features of libavcodec and change the makefile accordingly. The minimum required versions of libavcodec are:
1.0.x - for ffmpeg
0.8.9 - for libav

In order to get24-bit FLAC encoder, you would need libavcodec from ffmpeg 2.0 and above.