Installing multiple versions and older version availability
Installing multiple versions and older version availability
What I am trying to do (and hoping to do) is run both the current 1.7.7 beta and 1.7.0 beta versions of MakeMKV on my ubuntu machine. I have a decent sized collection of HD-DVD's that I would like to back-up and am having no luck with the newest version. I looked in the forums and read that HD-DVD capabilities last worked on 1.7.0. Is it possible to install both versions and run seperately (1 for blu-rays and 1 for HD-DVDs) on Ubuntu 12.04? Also, is the 1.7.0 binary and source files available to download? Thanks!
Re: Installing multiple versions and older version availabil
That problem was fixes ages ago. 1.7.7 should work with HD-DVDs as well.