ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

The place to discuss linux version of MakeMKV
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by Woodstock »

Mike does not provide everything in source code for the Linux version. The proprietary pre-compiled portion is for Intel/AMD. Mike would have to have and ARM-based unit to do testing.
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by luksol »

I understand that part of the makemkv are pre-compiled binaries. If this is an issue with ARM availability, there are plenty of devices available for testing.
I could give Mike an access to some of mine via VPN. I have RPi, RPi 2 and Odroid X2 (not sure if the last one is still working, it was in my drawer for a long time)
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by blackbeltboyscout »

Any update here?

I'll buy Mike a Raspberry Pi if that helps...

If this isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future, I'll try writing a script that will dd the disc and send to a central ripping server. Ideally, I want a box that accepts the disc and then spits it out with either a green success LED or a red error LED. This is easier if the whole ripping process occurs on one machine.
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by mwjmwj »


Just wondering if Mike has further considered compiling the closed souce portion of MakeMKV for the Raspberry Pi? I think this would make for a wonderful little ripping/streaming platform with this excellent software.

As others have offered - happy to donate an RPi for development/testing purposes if it will help.

Let us know your thoughts, Mike. It would be good to hear an answer either way :-)
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by mmsri »

I have an Armv7l device and couple of Rp3s. Any way we could help Mike port the closed source of the excellent makemkv to these platforms? Any update on this thread??
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by thehappychappie »

Not sure if this thread is still alive, but I'm all up for a RaspberryPi (ARM) compatible version of the excellent makemkv!
I'm just going through a process of digitising my DVD/BluRay collection so that I confine the actual discs to the loft (to free up space) and then use Plex (or similar) to stream them.

At the moment I can do it using a Macbook but it's a bit clunky.
I have a lovely stack of RPis just waiting to be used for this purpose!

I just don't like clutter, and DVDs/BluRays are clutter IMHO! lol
mike admin
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by mike admin »

Actually, given the yet another Mac OS revolution, MakeMKV is bound to be available for arm (likely v7) sometime soon...
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by donut »

I replied to the other pi thread, but I am a +1 for an armv7 build. I am a registered user with a pi4. My windows 7 machine is on its last leg so I bought this to see if it was a viable desktop. So far, with a 2100 ghz overclock, it seems to be just fine running Raspbian (now Raspberry) OS. I tried 64-bit Ubuntu on the pi, but feel its not quite ready for prime time. Of course, that would be armv8 or what ever...
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by geomike »

Any time frame for when makemkv might have a native build for the ARM (Apple Silicon) Macs?
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by archer72 »

vondesiong wrote:
Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:07 pm
Another vote for RasPi or general ARM support. Would love to see that and build a bluray player myself with mpv.
This has my vote too. There are a lot of great ideas here. I too am looking for the final piece of a Raspi 4 HTPC.
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by andyjh »

This absolutely has my vote.
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by Lysergia01 »

Would also love this, am willing to provide hardware or do testing
mike admin
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by mike admin »

Next version would have armv6 and aarch64 binaries for linux. Should be released in a few days...
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by Chewi »

mike admin wrote:
Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:19 pm
Next version would have armv6 and aarch64 binaries for linux. Should be released in a few days...
I just wanted to say very many thanks for doing this. I had long thought of asking and even though I suspect I won't personally need it in the end, it's still great news for other users. I'll make sure the Gentoo package gets this support.
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Re: ARMv6 support / Raspberry Pi

Post by Chewi »

Mike, I just went to test the 32-bit ARM support for the Gentoo package but I see that you've built it using the softfloat ABI, which is surprising. This fell out of use years ago. The only reason to use it now is for compatibility with old proprietary software but the world has moved on. It's not compatible with hardfloat systems so this isn't much use to anybody. Any chance you could respin it as a hardfloat binary?