Avatar 3D

Everything related to Blu-ray 3D and 3D MKV files
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Avatar 3D

Post by DaveyDave »

Do "corrupt or invalid at offset" messages always mean that a disc is defective? I ask this because I am receiving this error message with the Avatar 3D Blu-ray. I've exchanged the disc twice, but all discs have had the same error. I also asked someone who purchased this disc on the other side of the country to test their copy, and they had the same problem.

This error only occurs if I include subtitle tracks in my output file. If I include only the video and audio tracks, the MKV is created successfully.

To test if the problem might be a defective disc, I used MakeMKV to create a full disc backup. That process completed successfully, and there were no hash errors. I also tried AnyDVD with TSmuxer to attempt to extract the PGS subtitles, and that, too, completely successfully.

Creating the MKV fails both whether I use the disc or the backup folder as the source (if I have checked the first English subtitles).

About a year ago, I had the same problem with several Dreamworks Animation titles, but I was later able to successfully rip those discs with later versions of MakeMKV which makes me wonder if any of these discs have been defective.

Has anyone else had similar issues? I have sent a test dump file to support@makemkv.com in case this is a problem that be resolved within the program.
MakeMKV_log [Avatar MKV from disc].txt
This is the log file created when I use the Blu-ray disc as the source.
(22.77 KiB) Downloaded 799 times
MakeMKV_log [Avatar MKV from backup folder].txt
This is the log file created when I use the backup folder created by MakeMKV as the source.
(22.33 KiB) Downloaded 756 times
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by cncb1 »

I am getting the same behavior with this disk in v1.7.8. It goes through most of the mkv creation and then issues the error at the very end and fails. Also note that the 3D and 2D versions are supposed to be contained on the same disk but the two titles identified by MakeMKV both are listed as "Mpeg4-MVC-3D" and the second one only differs in that it does not identify the number of chapters.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by DaveyDave »

The problem still occurs with 1.7.9.
mike admin
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by mike admin »

Confirmed, this is the bug in MakeMKV. It will be fixed in the next version. As for now, the workaround exist but is lengthy:
1. Make 3D MKV file without subtitles. It will succeed. If you don't need subtitles (can understand naavi just by listening) then stop here, otherwise continue.
2. Make another 2D-only MKV without any audio, only keep 2D video stream and all subtitles.
3. Using mkvmerge, merge subtitles form second MKV file into the first one. Delete the second file.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by ptr727 »

Same problem here with 1.7.9.

Any ETA on new version with fix?

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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by cncb1 »

cncb1 wrote:Also note that the 3D and 2D versions are supposed to be contained on the same disk but the two titles identified by MakeMKV both are listed as "Mpeg4-MVC-3D" and the second one only differs in that it does not identify the number of chapters.
I am able to successfully make the mkv now with 1.7.10 but I still have the problem above. This is the first disk I've had with both 2D and 3D on the same disk. Any ideas?
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by setarip_old »


I also tried AnyDVD with TSmuxer to attempt to extract the PGS subtitles, and that, too, completely successfully.
Although it's been a long time since I tried, I was under the impression that tsMuxeR was not capable of processing PGS subtitles.

What procedures did you use to accomplish this?

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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by DaveyDave »


These are the steps I followed to extract the PGS files directly from the Avatar 3D blu-ray:

- Run AnyDVD HD
- Run TSmuxer GUI 1.10.6
- Click "Add" and select the appropriate playlist (MPLS) or transport stream (M2TS). If the whole movie is stored in a single M2TS file, it's fine to add just that file. If the movie is split between more than one M2TS file, open the main movie playlist (MPLS) file instead, and the necessary M2TS files will be automatically added and joined.
- Once the movie has been loaded into TSmuxer, the available video, audio and subtitle tracks will appear on the screen. Just check the box next to any track you want to extract, set the output to "Demux", and click "Start Demuxing".
- You can then use MKVmerge to add the extracted PGS/SUP file to an MKV file.

Note: You will only see PGS files in TSmuxer if you are working with an MPLS/M2TS file from a Blu-ray source. If you open an MKV file that contains a PGS track with TSmuxer, you will receive an error message stating "Some tracks not recognized. This track was ignored." The MKV will then open in TSmuxer, but only the video and audio tracks will be available for selected. The PGS track will not be listed.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by ptr727 »

I can rip the disc with 1.7.10, and there are two titles of interest.
After ripping;
Both are marked as stereo with 2 view counts.
One has chapters.
One has three sets of english subtitles.
One has two sets of english subtitles.
Both play fine using MPC-HC.

How do I know which on is the 2D version and which one is the 3D version?

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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by shanec »

ptr727 wrote:I can rip the disc with 1.7.10, and there are two titles of interest.
After ripping;
Both are marked as stereo with 2 view counts.
One has chapters.
One has three sets of english subtitles.
One has two sets of english subtitles.
Both play fine using MPC-HC.

How do I know which on is the 2D version and which one is the 3D version?

The 3D version will be bigger, also you can re-open the MKV file with makemkv and it will show it having the MVC if 3D.
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