Last and first men and general procedures on mac

Everything related to Blu-ray 3D and 3D MKV files
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Last and first men and general procedures on mac

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From reading a few posts, it appears that rips that won't play on VLC (or any other player) on the Mac might be fixed by first creating a "backup" using MakeMKV, then running MakeMKV to create the .mkv file.

I this correct?

I keep creating unreadable .mkv files.

I also clearly am having issues with VLC as well as it is supposed to handle encryption as long as the correct files are downloaded and placed in the correct places. That's an issue as well...there are at least two disagreements on where to put the files (AACS, etc) and I've put them in all the places they are supposed to go and still have unreadable disks.

Even my blueray player is failing me. Disc want's an update and LG isn't supporting it anymore.

My understanding is that if I ever want to watch these, I need to get an Xbox or Playstation.

Buying this software seems to have been money poorly spent.
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Re: Last and first men and general procedures on mac

Post by dcoke22 »

Can you elaborate on how you seem to be creating unreadable .mkv files?

The general rule of thumb is that if MakeMKV produces a .mkv file, it is a good copy and should work. That's certainly been my experience.
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