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Issues Ripping Dial M for Murder in 3D

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:33 am
by koberulz
When I look at the available titles on the disc, excluding special features, I see four listings that each have 28 chapters and a runtime of 1:45:24.

Two are 26.0 GB Mpeg4, two are 37.1 GB Mpeg4 with an additional Mpeg4-MVC-3D listing.

When I rip these, I get four video files that are all 2D. The two created from the 37.1 GB listing show up in MediaInfo with a MultiView count of 1, instead of 2 as would be expected.

Re: Issues Ripping Dial M for Murder in 3D

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:06 pm
by wunderlong88
I know this is an old thread. I bought this blu ray and cannot get to rip anything except the extras. Did you do anything special to get it to rip?