Rip 3D BluRay for Roku

Everything related to Blu-ray 3D and 3D MKV files
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Rip 3D BluRay for Roku

Post by jowens3636 » Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:55 pm

Hello! I have read through this forum and the technical posts confuse me so I apologize if this has already been clearly answered. I have been using MakeMKV to burn my BluRay collection and play on my Roku Ultra with no issues. I recently just bought a 3D capable projector so I want to put the 3D version of the films on my Plex Media server to stream through Roku and watch. Is this possible? If so do I have to do anything different when ripping the 3D version of the movie with MakeMKV or is it the same process as for a BluRay film? I also have a PS4 hooked up to the projector so if that is better for 3D playback I could use that as well - but not sure if that can be done with a MakeMKV file. Thank you for your help!

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Re: Rip 3D BluRay for Roku

Post by preserve » Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:34 am

jowens3636 wrote:
Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:55 pm
If so do I have to do anything different when ripping the 3D version of the movie with MakeMKV or is it the same process as for a BluRay film?
The stickied FAQ will answer this part. Regarding the Roku, another member here will have to answer that, as I’m not familiar with the device.
Using: ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.00

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