Avatar 3D

Everything related to Blu-ray 3D and 3D MKV files
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Avatar 3D

Post by marcopete87 »

Hi all, my name is Marco, i'm new to BD rip.
My project, i think is legal, because i buy BD on sales and i make MKV copies in my nas, so i can see all disk i have in Raspberry PI XBMC media center.

Now here is the problem:
Makemkv ripped nicely all 2D disk i bought (Star tren new series 1+2 and Alice in Wonderland), but when i try to rip my first BD 3D, it rips as common 2D disk.
I removed DASPI, because sometimes failed, but rip works well.

The strange is MakeMKV sees 2 film tracks, 44.8GB each (which is impossible, because disk is 50GB).
After (a long time) rip and SBS editing, i discovered both tracks were the same!

Main windows:

Scan windows:

Selection windows:

Selection windows with selections:

VLC media information:

Do i miss something?
I'm a newbie in BD rip, so i expect something can go wrong.

p.s. is there any guide to BD 3D rip? I searched about converting MKV MVC to SBS without success: a lot tells about avisynth, but i don't like wine (not the beverage :lol: ).

p.s.2: all rips are limited to 2.2X on my drive, can it be somethink like riplock?
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by Woodstock »

As far as I can see, you're doing the right things, but... VLC doesn't know how to deal with 3D video, so it might not report it correctly. Unfortunately, the one 3D rip I've done and tested has been deleted, because I don't have a 3D-capable display right now.

If your drive has riplock, it will often be mentioned in the log for MakeMKV, with a link to rpc1.org to see if there is revised firmware for it.

And get used to Blurays reporting more titles than you would think could fit on a BD. There are methods used on BD to create a title from multiple segments, rather than a single file. This is used for "director's cut" and "theatrical cut" versions, by mixing up the scenes, OR be used to create dozens of "fake" titles to confuse you as to which one is the "correct" title.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by marcopete87 »

ok, thank you!
Do you know if there is any method to get mvc "flag" from mkv?
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by Woodstock »

If you checked the box to include the MVC track, the track should be there. I don't know that there is any other "flag" involved, other than the presence of the MVC track. Since it is a separate track, 2D players are free to ignore it.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by marcopete87 »

ok, thank you!

Have an good week end! :D
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by preserve »

I'm having issues with Avatar 3D Canadian release.

Ripped hundreds of Blu-rays and dozens of 3D Blu-rays on this drive, and I've successfully ripped others since trying this one, so I know it's not my drive.

Normally if I run into disc issues, I just replace the disc and the replacement works fine.

But I've now gone through 3 copies of this disc now, and they all give me "attemping to work around" issues.

Upon initial glance the resulting mkv APPEARS fine - I wish "attempting to work around" would say "success" or something.

However, I'm still worried that this third copy of this disc is a bad/defective disc, and that I really should return it if possible.

Here's just a SMALL portion of the log. I've submitted the full log and a dump to the support email.

Anyone experience similar issues with this Blu-ray?

Code: Select all

004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47220221952, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 128 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:121262693
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47222882304, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 22 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:29394689
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47224117248, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 22 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:29394689
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47223515136, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 128 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:121262693
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 128 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:121262693
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47227809792, attempting to work around
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47223515136, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 22 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:29394689
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 22 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:29394689
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47250272256, attempting to work around
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47234107392, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 128 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:121262693
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47234107392, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 128 at KT>XUs.9~'Ud#OH2fk1:121262693
004004:0000 The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 47253553152, attempting to work around
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2 at [y>:E??4*U|txhXQ0')2:121263797
Using: ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.00
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by marcopete87 »

ignoring you made this dead topic an zombie topic...

Are you sure isn't an optical drive issue?
Have you tried with an lower speed ripping?
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by preserve »

marcopete87 wrote:ignoring you made this dead topic an zombie topic...
I would rather keep all Avatar 3D in one thread instead of making a new one.
marcopete87 wrote:Are you sure isn't an optical drive issue? Have you tried with an lower speed ripping?
Yes. As per my original post, I've ripped (and continue to rip) hundreds of Blu-rays flawlessly.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by marcopete87 »

preserve wrote: I would rather keep all Avatar 3D in one thread instead of making a new one.

Yes. As per my original post, I've ripped (and continue to rip) hundreds of Blu-rays flawlessly.
2 years old, with different issue...

however, do you know optics ages with use, i had similar problem with an external drive which was prone to error with some disks and was fine with others, bought another one (speeder) and issues disappeared.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by preserve »

marcopete87 wrote:however, do you know optics ages with use, i had similar problem with an external drive which was prone to error with some disks and was fine with others, bought another one (speeder) and issues disappeared.
I'm using an internal drive and it's rock solid. Of the maybe 4 or 5 problematic discs at most out of literally hundreds (if not more than a thousand) Blu-rays and DVDs I've ripped flawlessly with this drive, replacing the disc has always fixed the problem (bad discs really do exist).

I appreciate that you're trying to help, but for the third time, I'm 99% certain that it's not my drive.
marcopete87 wrote:2 years old, with different issue...
Okay, but why are you hung up on this? Just let it go.
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Re: Avatar 3D

Post by yorgo »

It really does sound like the disc needs to be replaced; you have enough experience with the software given your "Ripped hundreds of Blu-rays and dozens of 3D Blu-rays on this drive, and I've successfully ripped others since trying this one, so I know it's not my drive" description. And I'm sure you've tried everything else posted here :http://www.makemkv.com/forum2/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=15055.

It's very rare but I've had to replace discs 2 or 3 times in the past, once replacing a title 5 times before I could get a successful rip (I actually gave up after the 4th time and just happened to come across a used copy a couple years later which I bought, it ripped perfectly - go figure). It stinks when it happens but it does happen...

You may want to source the disc from a completely different vendor, to avoid the possibility that the discs you're getting are from a batch that was mastered or made with errors.
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