I have a 24" Asus 144Hz (120Hz in 3D) monitor and I'm using Nvidia Vision 2. I play my makeMKV files using stereoscopic player 2.1.0 (nvidia stereoscopic player 1.7.4 doesn't seem to work).
I have managed to convert my Iron Man 3 3D BluRay to a 3D mkv file, removing all the "unnecessary" parts as Spanish audio

This is great, I can now store my uncompressed 3D BluRays directly on my external drive.
However, since I'm viewing movies from my bed nearby, I am in no need of the full BluRay quality, and would like to lower the size and quality of the movie.
Is there a way to lower the bitrate (and maybe resolution) of the 3D MKV, and if yes, what software do you use and what presets/settings?
Or perhaps you could use another compression algorithm in the 3D MKV, if so, what software can transcode 3D MKVs? (is the 3D MKV output by makeMVK in h264 or mpeg?)
Maybe simply put:
If you store your 3D blurays in another way than just the uncompressed 3D mkv, then how?
Thank you
I did some research and discovered that the 3D MKV output by makeMKV actually is just an older format for the 3D MVC?
I haven't tried the following software, but I think I might actually be looking for an MVC-encoder?
Does anyone have any experience with MVC encoding, could I possibly encode the MVC off the bluray, and use makeMKV afterwards just to store a backup of my smaller "encoded bluray"?