Hi all,
Ive been reading the forums a while and thought I had registered previously- obviously not!
Just wanted to congradulate you on making such a great piece of software!
I do however have one issue- Im using the latest version (1.7 i believe now isnt it) and Ive been led to believe this can backup 3d bluray movies when using direct backup mode only (makes sense).
However, I have tried this with Harry Potter & the deathly hollows part 2 3D and after ripping I cannot get it to playback in 3d.
Basically ive tried a number of different things- i have backing up both encrypted and non encrypted versions- still nothing, I have put these structures into an ISO format- still nothing. Basically TMT5 (whih plays the film in 3D from the disc perfectly) just cant proceed after the opening "20th centuary fox" scene. On this disc it is at this point the 3D contect kicks in as it plays a trailer for 3D Bluray content and then goes into the menu.
Obviously playing back the repective .m2ts files is worthless as these do not appear in 3D.
So im just wondering what the reason for this could be? My theory on the matter was if its a direct like for like copy of the disc- when this put into an ISO worst case it should play exactly as it does from the disc- therefore giving me beautiful full hd 3D, but clearly theres something that doesnt transfer correctly during this process and cant work out what or why.
mikes- do you have any suggestions or thoughts on why this might be and how I can get around it? This is my first 3d Bluray ive attempted to backup and Id hate to think I have to go back to having discs in my living rooms for 3D!
Thanks in advance
3D Bluray ripping woes
Re: 3D Bluray ripping woes
AFAIK you need to merge the 2 mkv files together. There is a left and right for 3D. then I think the app is called mkvmerge but its for windows. 

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- Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am
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Re: 3D Bluray ripping woes
Please search this forum. Currently, 3D playback is a pain. If the 3D disc doesn't use so-called "seamless branching" then you can get an SSIF file and play it on computer with stereoscopic player. Burning a 3D disc is very tricky. All other cases require a lot of manual labor and are tricky.