Hi, just as the thread title says is what I am trying to do. I have used MakeMKV and followed the steps in this thread:
1. Rip just the movie file with MakeMKV, and make sure you check the MVC video stream. All of that we knew...
2. Open the resulting MKV file with tsmuxer and export to m2ts. Now - HERE'S the VITAL step that makes the file work...when you load up the MKV file into tsmuxer, the MVC video is in Position 1 by default. You MUST highlight the MVC video and move it down to Position 2. THAT'S IT. That's the whole damned problem. I don't know why this is a thing, but it is. Once you get your m2ts file, just throw it on your USB drive, and your player will play it back just like a 3D Blu-ray disc, auto-detecting the 3D signal and all. Hope this helps.
There is one person who says it has worked with his Mede8er MED600X3D:
Thank you croweyes1121, this 100% works on my Mede8er MED600X3D! Just watched Blade Runner 2049 in 3D for the first time!
Should the 3D file created in the first step (3D MVC-mkv) and the one created in the second step (3D MVC-m2ts) work in a Zidoo media player or s it only possible in Mede8er media players?
Has this really worked for anyone else?
Trying to create a 3D MVC-mkv or MVC-m2ts that really works in best know media players
Re: Trying to create a 3D MVC-mkv or MVC-m2ts that really works in best know media players
Can not speak about Mede8er and Zidoo but about Oppo-203/205:
3D-BD is well possible using MakeMKV for ripping (1.17.6 here, 1.17.8 is slowish for me).
Then feed the result to BDRebuilder.
BD-RB can work from the .smap files, can shrink & reencode a 3D-BD to BD-25 (or custom size).
Using CPU encoding will deliver top quality on a BD-25 size.
(Avoid GPU encoding, although being quicker, the result may exhibit stutter.)
The BD folder is playable from BD-R, BD-RE.
If you happen to have jailbreaked firmware, BD folderplay is possible from USB-Stick too.
The .m2ts file itself is playable anyway.
If you want to remux only you may steal a bit from tsMuxeR's .meta commandline.
MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --hdmv-descriptors --demux --vbr --vbv-len=500 --start-time=27000000
V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts", fps=23.976, track=4113
V_MPEG4/ISO/MVC, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts", fps=23.976, track=4114
A_DTS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls", down-to-dts, track=4352, lang=eng
A_DTS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls", track=4353, lang=fra
S_HDMV/PGS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls",fps=23.976, track=4608,lang=eng
S_HDMV/PGS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls",fps=23.976, track=4609,lang=fra
3D-BD is well possible using MakeMKV for ripping (1.17.6 here, 1.17.8 is slowish for me).
Then feed the result to BDRebuilder.
BD-RB can work from the .smap files, can shrink & reencode a 3D-BD to BD-25 (or custom size).
Using CPU encoding will deliver top quality on a BD-25 size.
(Avoid GPU encoding, although being quicker, the result may exhibit stutter.)
The BD folder is playable from BD-R, BD-RE.
If you happen to have jailbreaked firmware, BD folderplay is possible from USB-Stick too.
The .m2ts file itself is playable anyway.
If you want to remux only you may steal a bit from tsMuxeR's .meta commandline.
MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --hdmv-descriptors --demux --vbr --vbv-len=500 --start-time=27000000
V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts", fps=23.976, track=4113
V_MPEG4/ISO/MVC, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts", fps=23.976, track=4114
A_DTS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls", down-to-dts, track=4352, lang=eng
A_DTS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls", track=4353, lang=fra
S_HDMV/PGS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls",fps=23.976, track=4608,lang=eng
S_HDMV/PGS, "D:\BD 3D\BDMV\\PLAYLIST\00800.mpls",fps=23.976, track=4609,lang=fra