Not able to produce 3D SBS from Bluray ISO

Everything related to Blu-ray 3D and 3D MKV files
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Not able to produce 3D SBS from Bluray ISO

Post by paros »

I have a 3D iso (about 34gb) and want to convert it to a SBS format (as I understand it is a must to be able to use it in KODI on my QNAP HS-251).
How do I do this the best way?
I have tried with MakeMKV, but I end up with a mkv-file that is ok to open in KODI (at the QNAP HS-251), but the it get a wierd picture in Side-By-Side view.
I am able to open other SBS-movies but I am not able to produce them by my self.
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Re: Not able to produce 3D SBS from Bluray ISO

Post by Woodstock »

MakeMKV will extract the 3D MVC track and put it into the MKV file, but your player has to understand how to deal with that.

A search on Google for "convert mvc to sbs 3d" comes up with several tools to make the conversion to SBS or TAB 3D.
MakeMKV Frequently Asked Questions
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
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