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I think I screwed up

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 7:03 pm
by AndyMac
I have an LG BD-RE WH14NS40 drive that was running 1.02 firmware and LibreDrive was enabled and working. I was having some trouble reading a couple of BluRay discs and just happened to be building a couple new systems for friends. I decided to try the bad disc in their drive and had no trouble.

So I decided to upgrade the firmware in my drive to see if that solved the problem. Oh, no! Not only is LibreDrive disabled but I can't even see UHD discs which I used to be able to do with 1.02. I've tried downgrading back to 1.02 with the Downgrade Enabled Firmware kit but I keep getting an error:

Checksum is mismatched.
Drive will go to BOOT mode
Please retry again.

The drive is still at 1.05 but appears to be working, just not with UHD discs. The only thing I can think is that the firmware file is named DE_flash_HL-DT-ST_BD-RE_WH14NS40_1.02_NS50.bin and I'm guessing that's a different model than the BD-RE WH14NS40 I have?

How screwed am I?

Re: I think I screwed up

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:38 pm
by Billycar11
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